Sunday Feb 5/Monday Feb 6, 6:30 - 7:30 pm ET
(pick one day in the sign-up form)
Live on Zoom
For privacy reasons, the discussion will not be recorded.
Do you miss meetings with macrobiotic friends?
Sharing tips,
discussing current affairs,
asking about issues you're dealing with,
picking up some pointers,
listening and supporting others,
helping with your advice
and sharing your experience.
Come to discuss things related to macrobiotic practice
with other participants, and
get tips on health, cooking, shopping,
traveling, dealing with family members, etc.
"The open discussions gave me food for thought and I meet other fellow travelers to connect with in the future."
Michelle Fahey
"I enjoyed hearing from others what their concerns are - and having the chance to ask my questions as well. I thought that Donna was excellent in her knowledge and wisdom and ability to engage various personalities with grace."
Patricia Gulino Lansky
"I enjoyed hearing some of the things people are thinking about, and issues they're dealing with, and suggestions for addressing them."
Elaine Danforth
"I appreciate the open discussion most. Because the open discussions are not recorded they are something that I want to attend every time, so as to get to know folks via the discussions and so as to learn more and more about macrobiotics, based on folks' current concerns and current thinking."
Barbara Stemke
Donna Clifford is a certified nurse, with over 35 years of experience, and a macrobiotic counselor.
Donna has been leading discussion groups at Planetary Health’s online macrobiotic conferences for nearly 5 years and is popular for her engaging and caring approach and abilities to see and explain various issues in both a medical and macrobiotic way.
Donna has a wealth of knowledge and experience, which she summed up in her cookbook Let’s Act Like Rice.
Danka Jack is a macrobiotic teacher and counselor from Slovakia. Growing up in a macrobiotic family, she has been immersed in macrobiotics from early childhood. Although, like many other children, she hated it at the beginning, many miraculous applications, from healing toothaches to severe gluten allergy (almost a celiac), have changed her from a skeptic to an enthusiastic practitioner. She has studied macrobiotics for many years from great teachers, including Ed Esko, Oliver Cowmeadow, Denny Waxman, Adelbert Nelissen, and Alex Jack, whose wife and partner she became.
Danka loves exploring world through the lens of yin and yang and finding simple solutions through macrobiotic principles.